December 24th 2020:Waukesha Alerts first tweet. A rollover car crash occurred and I immediately tweeted the incident. With no followers to see, I still posted it anyways so if anyone were to come across the account or search on twitter, they would see what happened.
January 27th 2021:Waukesha Alerts made a tweet regarding a drive by shooting report. No address was given, just a street name. Along with minimal details about the incident. Looking back, I wish I had provided more information than just the bare bones back then.
February 20th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a stabbing incident near downtown that left one person dead. My goal was to provide awareness and have people avoid the area while police process the scene.
March 27th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a critical incident on Caroline Street that every unit was responding to. This tweet puzzles me as I didn't say anything about what was happening there, and I see this as a poorly done tweet that didn't provide the transparency I strive for today.
April 18th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a pretty major brush fire happening in Waukesha. I believe some pretty significant mutual aid was requested with this call, but online it didn't reach as many people as I had hoped. I felt as if a lot of people were missing out on valuable information. I know there are definitely people who drove by this and asked themselves or someone else, "What is happening over there?"
May 12th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a bomb threat occurring at a local high school. Thankfully, it was a false alarm. But, this tweet informed many likely panicked students and parents about what was happening.
June 29th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted an incident outside of the City of Waukesha involving a major bank robbery. This showcased the wide coverage of Waukesha Alerts when it comes to major incidents outside of the city. The City of Waukesha Police were called to the scene on Oconomowoc, which is why this was posted. This tweet definitely raised awareness to those who received an emergency alert in connection to this, and didn't know what was going on.
July 29th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted a weather emergency that potentially threatened the lives of tens of thousands of people. I was monitoring the storm well before it reached Waukesha County, and was prepared to sound the alarm when the storm strengthened and a damaging tornado was confirmed heading in the direction of Waukesha.
August 29th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a disturbance in the community of dozens of trucks doing donuts in the street. Not exactly sure why I did not include a more confined address, as Michigan Avenue is a pretty long street. But a detailed description was given for anybody that checked the account who heard or saw the commotion.
September 25th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted photos from a critical incident. This was the start of more frequent photos from incident scenes.
October 27th 2021:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a water main break that was impacting thousands of residents. I noticed my water wasn't running good, but didn't think much of it. I then received a tip in my direct messages from someone telling me about a major water main break. I then reviewed the scanner to validate the tip, and posted it.
November 21st 2021: |
December 2nd 2021:Waukesha Alerts was first to tweet and inform about the imminent structure collapse of the condominiums on N West Avenue that left dozens displaced. I was made aware that this tweet helped people in the area and the families of those directly involved with the condominiums in distributing valuable information.
January 27th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a major car crash from an off duty police officer crashing into a house. This was a strange yet serious incident.
February 20th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a SWAT incident in the City of Waukesha. This incident had the heaviest police presence In Waukesha in quite some time. I provided frequent and accurate updates in the thread for this incident and stayed on top of it.
March 19th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a major train derailment in Pewaukee. Upon hearing this, I traveled to the incident area and got some photos from the scene and was able to swiftly upload them to Twitter for followers to see first hand what was going on.
April 19th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted a more humorous tweet regarding an incident of uncooked pizza. Because the funny incident had such positive reaction, I continued to tweet any funnier incidents and injected more humor in some incidents that were not sensitive. I keep the account serious the majority of the time, but sometimes we all need a break so a funny tweet or two lightens the mood in an otherwise serious account.
May 19th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about an explosion in Eagle the injured multiple people. I was monitoring the scanner when the county fire tones were activated and the City of Waukesha was alerted for mutual aid. I quickly gathered the address and incident information and posted what I knew at that point.
June 27th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted about a tactical incident on Big Bend Road. I was listening to the scanner traffic for some time, and wasn't able to gather much information about what was going on. I provided all the information I knew at the time to alert my followers of the potential threat area. Turns out it was a high risk warrant that turned into a standoff, which is why only minimal information was available at the time.
July 25th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted another funny incident that the police got called to. I knew when I heard this incident air, that I had to post it. I even posted the scanner audio in a separate tweet. It was hilarious to see multiple officers responding to the call just to see the pig, and this tweet was well perceived, and something the local news typically would not report on.
August 24th 2022:Waukesha Alerts tweeted when a police officer sent out a help call for all local units to respond. The officer spotted a suspect that appeared to be wearing a vest walking around with a rifle. Turns out it was a teenager that was screwing around, which wasn't funny whatsoever.
September 25th 2022:Waukesha Alerts had an automated tweet sent out regarding a severe thunderstorm warning entering the area. This automated service provides Waukesha residents with 24/7 coverage of severe weather alerts as an extra source of information.